The solution integrates production management, sightseeing, sales promotion and product traceability of the park through the use of modern information technology such as Internet of Things, big data, AI artificial intelligence, and mobile internet to build an agricultural public service management system and build a campus backbone network. , building a smart park, interconnecting products with producers, managers, consumers, and regulatory authorities.

According to the management needs of each production area, the AI agricultural production management cloud platform is deployed, including production monitoring, equipment implementation management, fertilizer and water management, production planning management, input management, pest management, expert management, and ticket management.

由于园区多数企业除了农业生产外,大多开始进行复合经营的突破创新,所以项目实施过程中结合区域和产品优势,围绕生产过程追溯、农旅在线体验、 电商展示和微信公众号运营全方位服务于园区企业。
